Think Outside XTBT01

何の気なしにググって見ると、このワイヤレスキーボードは特別なドライバ無しでiPhone 4で使える様なので引っ張り出してきました。




I realized the keyboard that I previously purchased can be used for iPhone 4 without any drivers, so I tried to use it.

Yes, it works indeed. There are some minor problems on the function and I need some practices, but it is enough for my daily usage.

When you connect the keyboard at the first time, you need to on the Bluetooth of iPhone, then press Ctrl+Fn (blue)+Fn (green) simultaneously on the keyboard. Then, your iPhone prompt a pass-code for the keyboard so you just need to enter it on your keyboard.

If you use two or more languages like English and Japanese, you can switch them with Windows+Space keys.

Good luck!